Witness the abandonment of topic for a test of our sanity: the "advancement over sentiment" views of the futurist host vs. the impervious perspective of the previous generation. Is it better to grow up in ignorance of technology? Should we stand on the shoulders of giants or train our minds from scratch? Are celebrities people, or Gods of their fields? WARNING: the discussion is heated. 

PODSLOT 12 - "Role-Play Dating Workshop"

Dating advice from the PODSLOT crew! Andrew Thomas has a date, and like the roll of a die creates a thousand different universes, we play out several scenarios in which our brother brings home the gold! Also, we go to know the Interns, and their violent origins! Kanye West vs. Christopher Nolan: are they the same person? San Diego Comic Con just happened. What do we think of Mad Max? We lay the seeds for our upcoming segment, featuring dramatic readings of fan fiction. TUNE IN, WE’RE BUSY. 

PODSLOT 09 - "Glowcaine"

Musician, inventor, and stand up comedian Eric Jackowitz (@ericjulian, aol.com) joins us in the small room to discuss the correlation between music and comedy! Check it out, it’s our first episode of “App Ideas”, where we have ideas for applications! Is Childish Gambino a good rapper? What is the state of blackface? Was prohibition as boring as it seems? Also, are comedy movies going down the tubes? Also, Sablan loses his god damned mind! This episode goes off the rails! You got the questions, we got the answers! PODSLOT!  podslot.tumblr.com

PODSLOT 08 - "Kaiju in the Abstract"

Sound the alarms, we are terrorized in studio by the Kid Kaiju herself: Chandler Moses (www.chandlermoses.com, sewergator.tumblr.com, @mosesBITES). Is Neil deGrasse Tyson the most important scientific communicator around, or is he an obnoxious pretender to the throne of Sagan? Also, what the fuck happens when you die? We wanna know! Plus, our house mystic Johnny Lohse pops in to tell stories about whipping children with bamboo! The President of the United States stops by to interrogate us on super powers. And finally, as promised, here is something I claimed (with insistence) was impossible: the Japanese Godzilla speaking in word bubbles. http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/diffuser.fm/files/2014/04/godzilla-talks.jpg Pull on your wing suit and hop out the plane, PODSLOT is about to rescue (level?) your city. 

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PODSLOT 06 - "Tai Chi Tron"

Our biggest episode YET! We welcome our gaia, our leader, the illustrious Suki Sohn onto the podcast, along with Frenchman Willem Holzer (@tellemholzer) and the soon-to-be fan favorite, Andrew Thomas (andrewsthomas.com)! This week, we get into X-Men casting, Hugo Boss, likes as currency, and how to define "hipster" from a cartoon standpoint! PLUS, sword fighting and combative tai chi! We are still surfers of the podwaves, marauders without studio, so get ready to glide the levels and swim in the echo, all NEXT on PODSLOT! 

PODSLOT 04 - "SASSAFRAZ has Pu$$y Powers"

OHIO-BASED FUNK ROCK HIP HOP GROUP "SASSAFRAZ" IS IN STUDIO! We grill sax man Jack Gould and rapper Tony G. Finesse on who’s shoes they’d like to fill in Game of Thrones, comic books (and the folks who disrupt them!), and, as always, our updates on the Bat v. Flek flick. Plus, massive karate bouts in the hood, cardio tips, and GODZILLA is FINALLY OUT! Does it live up to our unrealistic expectations? Probably! And what’s Planet of the Apes reeeaaally about? Rapper Tony G. Finesse weighs in! Star Wars, insider rap gossip, Jack almost gets shot at work, and possibly a renaming of the whole show! Stay tuned for (possibly) the last (episode called) PODSLOT! 

You can hunt down Sassafraz and plenty free tunes @ http://sassafrazmusic.bandcamp.com/album/time-will-tell 

PODSLOT 02 - "Threechum"

Podslot is BACK, and they're packed up with back up: Andrew "Young Beard" Betsch joins the cast (crew?) to tell us why the despotic future we've all been promised will never happen. Extraterrestial sex: all it's cracked up to be, or compositionally misunderstood? We dip back into the karate pool, explore indie comics, and speak on gang culture! 

WARNING: "House of Cards" / "True Detective" spoilers!

PODSLOT 01 - "Supa Dojang"

The first episode of ONSLOT Creative's unofficial podcast! Join Sablan and Donny as they stumble through martial arts, exploitation films, and the philosophy of heroism! Is Superman a big idiot? Is the UFC too brutal? Do the cops next door have it out for Sablan? And can Sablan's positivity destroy Donny's DC film cynicism? Find out, in the very first episode of... PODSLOT!

WARNING: Brief 'Man of Steel' spoilers.